Buzzword Bingo

While looking for something else, I came across the phrase ‘buzzword bingo’. (Also referred to as ‘b*llshit bingo’, by more honest commentators.)

Buzzword bingo is a game you can play if you are ever misfortune enough to have to listen to some “inspirational”, “evangelist” type. This is typically the kind of speaker who will issue forth platitudes at the drop of a hat, but many the aeon will pass before something of substance comes out.

Like traditional bingo, calls from the speaker in buzzword bingo cause players to mark off their card – the difference being that buzzword bingo calls are useless phrases whereas traditional bingo calls are simply random numbers.

Buzzword bingo is, of course, a tongue-in-cheek phrase used to describe a speaker (or meeting) where the objective is to talk a lot but say nothing; i.e. b*llshit.

A popular phrase on any buzzword bingo is ‘going forward’ and this blog has railed against this horse manure previously. If you hear more than one of the phrases shown below emanate from someone, then there’s a good chance that you’ve landed in the middle of a game of buzzword bingo – be warned.


compatible policy contingencies

2 Responses to Buzzword Bingo

  1. I;ve used this in meetings, its very funny

  2. writerlyderv says:

    It’ll certainly make those boring corporate speeches a lot more entertaining.

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